
Since Naetverk is modular, we provide Plugins to extend the functionality of the network.

NameDescriptionExtendsReadme / Docs
@naetverkjs/naetverkBase library that allows the creation of node-based editors for visually programming or sequential scripting-Readme
@naetverkjs/connectionsPlugin to render the connections between nodes@naetverkjs/naetverkReadme
@naetverkjs/areaPlugin to draw the network on a configurable background with limited zoom and grid snapping@naetverkjs/naetverkReadme
@naetverkjs/lifecycleRegisters additional events that can be used while working with a component@naetverkjs/naetverkReadme
@naetverkjs/keyboardRegisters keyboard input and maps them to events@naetverkjs/naetverkReadme
@naetverkjs/angular-rendererAngular Module to render basic nodesReadme